“I get BAD interview anxiety.”

“I skipped an interview because I was so nervous.”

“I’ve not gotten the job twice because of my anxiety at the interview.”

“Skipped so many interviews and job opportunities due to crippling anxiety!”

“Please help!” This is just a sampling of the pleas that fill my TikTok comments section, calling for assistance with the age-old issue of interview anxiety. It’s gut-wrenching to see how much this fear can hold people back. Symptoms like a racing heart, profuse sweating, and even forgetting everything they’ve prepared can really throw off someone during a job interview. Interestingly, research corroborates what many recruiters have suspected – the more anxious the candidate, the less likely they’ll ace the interview. Crippling nerves can sabotage even the most prepared candidates.

What if we change our perspective, though? The nervousness you feel could actually be a sign of your genuine interest in the opportunity. After all, no interviewer expects a candidate to be entirely nerve-free – that could signal indifference about the job role. The anxiety that you are experiencing shows that you truly care about the opportunity. Interview anxiety is a normal and natural response to be evaluated in an interview setting. It’s a beast that 93% of job seekers battle, according to a 2020 survey by JDP, an employment screening company. A significant chunk of my clients ask me for ways to prevent anxiety from tanking their performance. What tools can I offer them to defeat this adversary? Let’s break down the different types of interview anxiety and how to conquer them. I’ll show you a few of the ways I empower my clients to slay the anxiety beast, improve their interview answers and land that dream job.

It’s all about understanding the many shades of interview anxiety. It’s crucial to know that anxiety isn’t a monolith. It manifests differently, from light nerves to full-blown panic attacks, and comes in various strains, each with its own distinct characteristics. Back in 2004, researchers Julie McCarthy and Richard Goffin identified five varieties of interview anxiety:

  1. Appearance Anxiety: Worries about how you look and fears of rejection based on physical appearance fall under this category.
  2. Social Anxiety: This strain of anxiety revolves around navigating the social landscape of interviews – handshakes, building rapport, you name it.
  3. Behavioral Anxiety: This variant relates to the involuntary physical responses – racing heart, clammy hands – experienced during interviews.
  4. Performance Anxiety: This kind of anxiety is all about the fear of messing up, dread over the interview outcome, and even anxiety about experiencing anxiety itself.
  5. Communication Anxiety: This type of nervousness surrounds the ability to effectively express oneself.

One size does not fit all when it comes to banishing interview anxiety. That’s why the first step is to identify the specific strains of anxiety my clients are wrestling with. I use an assessment tool to pinpoint their anxiety profile, which then lets me choose the most effective game plan for them.

Next, I zero in on a battle strategy. Once I know what form of anxiety is tripping up my client, I can tailor an approach for them. You’d be bowled over by the sheer number of anxiety-busting strategies available. Google “interview anxiety help,” and you might need a little lie-down from the avalanche of advice that hits you. The secret sauce is identifying the specific form(s) of interview anxiety to choose the most suitable strategies. Here’s a quick rundown of the weapons I might deploy for each anxiety type:

  1. Beating Appearance Anxiety: I bust old-school myths about professional attire and offer precise guidance on dressing for success. (See my articlehttps://impressiveinterviewing.com/interview-attire/for tips about what “professional dress” really means).
  2. Tackling Social Anxiety: I help clients nail expected social skills, like a firm handshake or appropriate eye contact. I also teach “small talk” hacks to handle those first few moments of an interview, which can be super awkward.
  3. Curbing Behavioral Anxiety: I might equip clients with relaxation techniques, like square breathing, or recommend calming music to help manage physical responses to anxiety. With some autonomous responses, the best approach may be acceptance – realizing that a bouncing leg is not going to cost you the job if you can effectively deliver your messages of value for the role and fit for the company.
  4. Managing Performance Anxiety: For those who are anxious about being anxious, I start by normalizing the nerves: viewing anxiety as anticipation for an exciting opportunity rather than a reaction to fear. We talk about past interview mistakes, and reframe them as learning opportunities. Then, I look for the confidence-building tools that will work for that client. For some clients, striking a 60-second power pose before an interview can inspire surprising feelings of confidence.
  5. Overcoming Communication Anxiety: This is where I can really shine as an interview coach. The key to overcoming communication anxiety is arming my clients with strong and specific interview skills. Forget writing out and memorizing interview answers – trying to remember all those “lines” would make anyone a bundle of nerves. Instead, I break down key points and create structured communication strategies for answering common questions – and powerfully articulating their value for the role and fit for that company. (Check out myspecific techniques to use during your interview to leave your interviewers convinced that you are a perfect fit for that company.) Opportunities for mock interviews with honest and constructive feedback also help sharpen skills and boost self-confidence.

Interview anxiety might seem like an insurmountable monster to my clients, but it certainly doesn’t define their destiny. As their coach, I’m in their corner, offering the tools, the strategies, and the personal support they need to keep their anxiety in check and perform their best in interviews. Through recognizing the different strains of interview anxiety, conducting a thorough assessment, and using tailored strategies, I help my clients tackle their anxiety head-on.

Anxiety doesn’t have to be the villain of your interview story. It’s just another mountain to climb on your expedition to career heights. And trust me on this, you’ve absolutely got the climbing gear to conquer it! Remember that anxiety is a common experience – even the most seasoned professionals feel those jitters. The key is to transform anxiety into excitement, and stay focused on the ultimate goal: delivering the authentic interview answers that get the job. Because, after all, that’s what this journey is all about – helping you present your best self in that all-important interview, and secure the job you’ve been dreaming of.

Still have questions about interviewing? Clickherefor more helpful interview tips and advice.